Certified Restaurant Manager (CRM) Exam & Interactive Study Guide Bundle

Exam: 100 questions | Study Guide: 6 to 8 hours
For orders larger than 25, please contact sales for training solutions.


Are you prepared to demonstrate your managerial acumen by taking the Certified Restaurant Manager (CRM) Exam, but want to prepare before you do? This bundle includes both the exam and its interactive study guide, which covers the exam’s most essential concepts. And because it is proctored online, you can schedule your exam at a time that's convenient for you. All you need is a computer or laptop and a private location.

Topics covered by the study guide and exam include: 
• Financial management 
• Purchasing & cost control 
• Finding, hiring and training employees 
• Managing employee performance 
• Safety & regulations 
• Marketing planning & evaluation

Exam Instructions

Upon purchase, ServSuccess exams require you to complete an online application to ensure you meet the prerequisites.

To apply:

  1. After checkout, select “Go to Learning Dashboard” on the confirmation screen.
  2. (Note: You can also access your application by selecting “My Learning & Exams” in the Welcome menu.)
  3. Select the “Launch” button to begin your application.
  4. Follow the instructions and steps provided.
  5. Provide required documentation and references.
  6. Following submission by references, open and submit application.

Things you should know BEFORE you purchase:

  • To use the online proctoring service through ProctorU, you must have access to a computer (PC or Mac). Mobile phones and tablets are not supported. You must also have a working webcam/mic and a private location.
  • Proctors give directions in English.
  • After your application is approved, you will receive an email with directions for scheduling your exam through ProctorU.
  • If your application is denied, you will be entitled to a refund of your entire purchase price. (Note: Automatic refunds require saving your credit card in your ServSuccess profile.)
  • If you do not show for your scheduled ProctorU exam session or need to reschedule your exam less than 24 hours before your scheduled session, you will have to pay a fee before you can reschedule. It can take up to one (1) business day to allow rescheduling following fee payment.

Exam Prerequisites

Work experience: 
 • CRS Certification plus 1,000 hours of industry experience in a management role 
• 2,000 hours of industry experience in a management role 

Previous learning:
Valid ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certificate or equivalent

Character reference: 
Reference confirming competencies listed on Character Reference Form